Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Why I Homeschool

I tend to doubt my decisions. Even the one's that I am confident God led me to make. I am the queen of second guessing and it is something I struggle with daily.  My poor husband has been so patient with me and all of my crazy ideas. They are like the weather, just wait a couple hours, and they will change again.  I am thankful for the people in my life that I trust that help me focus in on what is most important and help me stick to the decisions that last.

I have wavered on the homeschooling idea for years.  I started homeschooling my daughter when she was just 2  years old, although I didn't call it that, I was just being her mom and teaching her new things.  As she got older, I continued to teach her but it got more difficult as she was very emotional and struggled with being over-sensitive. It was for that main reason that we held her back a year. She did Kindergarten two years in a row and it was the best decision for her. She felt so much more confident and she enjoyed school so much more. During her first few years we did homeschool, public school, and private school.  I truly saw great benefits to each one. When I was a kid I went to public school through Junior High School and then to a private Christian school for High School.  I hated the public school and had some truly horrifying experiences there, however I absolutely loved the private school and was so grateful to be there. I was certain I would send my own children to private school when I had them. I didn't consider just how much private school costs.

After doing a lot of research (I LOVE research), I found that homeschooling offered a lot of the same benefits as a private school.  Your kids get a Christian education, and it's (almost) free.  Even the most expensive curriculum choice can't compare to the cost of private education.

Also, I was infertile so we were blessed to be able to adopt (soon to be) FOUR kids! I fought hard and went through a lot to have this amazing family of mine and I didn't feel at peace sending them all off to school every day and missing out on so much of their lives.  This first full year of homeschooling has been awesome in so many ways.

Here are a few:

1. Kids get to sleep in.  My kids are night owls and late sleepers so it was a nightmare waking them and getting out the door at 7:30.  Today my kids all slept until 8:30!

2.  A Christian Education. I love that I can incorporate our faith into every aspect of their learning.

3.  Can tailor the lessons to my kids gifts and abilities.

4,  Freedom to take sick days or lazy days or field trip days whenever we need to/want to.

5.  No pick up lines at school.  If you have ever waited in one, you know what I mean.

6.  Can spend a lot of quality AND quantity time with my children.  I know them better than anyone.

Here are some verses that I like that I believe encourage me in this journey as well:

Isaiah 38:19
Luke 6:40
2 Corinthians 10:5
Romans 12:2

And my verse for this year...Galations 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  If that isn't encouraging as a homeschooling parent, I don't know what is :)

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